How To Fix Paint Bubbling & Blistering

You never want to wake up one morning to see paint bubbles after spending hours rolling paint on a wall. So what causes paint to bubble and peel in the first place?

Here I have a detailed article on the Paint Bubbling & Blistering and how to treat it if it has already occurred.

Table Of Contents

  • The Power of Adhesion
  • Paint Bubbling Reasons
  • Repairing Bubbled Paint
  • Tools and Materials You'll Need
  • How To Fix Paint Bubbling/Blistering
  • 1. Remove the damaged paint
  • 2. Prepare the surface
  • 3. Repaint
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

The Power Of Adhesion

When a layer of paint does not adhere perfectly to its underlying surface (known as the substrate) blisters or bubbles emerge. Some of them deflate or explode independently making an uneven surface. That surface could be the previous layer of paint or the substrate, such as plaster, drywall, or wood.

As the paint dries, other bubbles or blisters harden in place. It results in a blemished surface that you’ll need to fix. In addition, the blistering patches may never fully reattach to the substrate and peel later.

In order to maintain the smooth appearance of walls, ceilings, and other painted areas, bubbled paint is a typical problem that develops when blisters or bubbles form on a painted surface.

Paint Bubbling Reasons

Air or moisture that has been trapped beneath the painted surface is what causes paint bubbles. The size of these bubbles might range from tiny pinpricks to substantial blisters. For a repair to be successful, it is essential to determine the root problem.

Paint coatings can loosen at any time, even if they’ve been applied for a long time. You could repaint it, but that is not a permanent solution because the paint will probably bubble again.

So here we have some causes of paint bubbling and ways to fix them.

  1. Dirty walls
  2. Skipping the primer
  3. Moisture
  4. Heat
  5. Using the wrong technique, tools, or paint

Repairing Bubbled Paint

Paint bubbles can be a frustrating sight for homeowners, marring the smooth and attractive finish of walls and surfaces. We have to effectively repair bubbled paint it is essential for maintaining the aesthetics and value of your property.

If you’re facing blistered paint and worried about how do you fix it? Then don’t worry! This is easy but a little time-taking. Call WC painting services and get a free estimate for fixing this problem with the help of experts and get trending paint colors for your home.

Tools And Materials You'll Need

Before you begin the repair process, gather the following items:

  • Scraper
  • Sandpaper (various grits)
  • Primer
  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes or rollers
  • Drop cloths

How To Fix Paint Bubbling/Blistering

There are three steps how you can stop it or repair bubbled or blistered paint:

1. Remove The Damaged Paint

  • Using lengthy vertical and horizontal strokes, gently scrape away the paint that has lifted from the surface using a putty knife.
  • Don’t retouch the entire area if there are a couple of bubbles.

2. Prepare The Surface

  • With the help of a thin layer of patching compound, clean your putty knife.
  • Use this knife to fill any holes or indentations in the substrate.
  • Let the compound dry completely.
  • Sand the patched areas smoothly with a fine-grit sandpaper.
  • Clean and dry the surface before applying a primer.

3. Repaint

  • Using the correct brush or roller, repaint the surface once the coat of primer has dried completely.
  • To avoid the creation of bubbles, stir the paint carefully and brush or roll it at a moderate speed.
  • Because two layers won’t adhere and bubbles or blisters will form, oil-based paint cannot be used directly over water-based latex paint.
  • If you’re preparing a surface that is covered in old paint, take proper precautions.


Repairing bubbled paint doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right tools, materials, and techniques, you can restore your surfaces to their former glory.

Regular maintenance and proper painting practices will go a long way in preventing future paint bubbles and keeping your home looking its best.

WC Painting Services provide the best exterior and interior painting services and solve all your paint related problems. Contact today for your house estimates.


1. Can I paint over bubbles without removing them first?

It’s not recommended. Bubbles should be removed, and the area should be properly prepped for lasting results.

2. Is primer really necessary when repairing bubbled paint?

Yes, primer helps with adhesion and ensures the new paint layer remains bubble-free.

3. Can I use any paint for all surfaces?

No, different surfaces require specific types of paint for optimal results.

4. Why do bubbles sometimes appear days after painting?

This can happen due to trapped moisture that takes time to emerge as bubbles.

5. Can I repair large bubbled areas myself?

While it’s possible, extensive bubbling might require professional expertise for a seamless fix.