How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen is the heart of a home. Keeping your kitchen clean is as important as your health. So the case is with Its cabinets. However, many people overlook cabinets while regularly tackling the visible mess of dirty countertops, stoves, and floors. Between the splatters and grimy fingerprints, you might find how much of this buildup lingers and further accumulates dust and grime.

“In the childhood memories of every good cook, there’s a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a mom.” – Barbara Costikyan

Over time, safely removing this dust and grime from the kitchen becomes more complex. When you use harsher cleaning materials to clean the cabinets, it can damage the paint. So you’ll need to take a gentle cleaning approach. Regular wipe downs will undoubtedly make life easier, which experts recommend should be scheduled at least once or twice a week.

But, for a more comprehensive clean, follow WC Painting Services quick guide and enjoy kitchen cabinet cleaning ideas.

Table Of Contents

  • Best Way to Clean Kitchen Cabinets
  • Steps to Clean Kitchen Cabinets
  • 1. Start from the top to bottom
  • 2. Empty everything out
  • 3. Mix up a gentle cleanser
  • 4. Go at the grease
  • 5. Treat the trim
  • 6. Tackle the cleaning kitchen cabinets fronts
  • 7. Cleaning glass and mirror doors
  • 8. Wipe handles, knobs, hinges, and hardware
  • 9. Clean the contents
  • Tips to Clean Wood Cabinets
  • 1. Light splatters and dust
  • 2. Some grease and grime buildup
  • 3. Heavier grease and stains
  • How Often Should I Clean Kitchen Cabinets?
  • What to Avoid When Cleaning Your Cabinets?
  • Final Words

Best Way To Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Regular gentle cleaning is the best way to keep your cabinets clean from dust, grease, stains, and debris.

Here is a list of some helpful tips for further maintaining clean kitchen cabinets:

  • Regularly wipe your cabinets of kitchen down
  • Clean your cabinets after using the kitchen
  • Immediately clean up spills
  • Refinish your kitchen cabinets when needed.
  • Avoid hanging damp towels over cabinets.

Also, read the mentioned article: 4 Reasons Why You Should Refinish Kitchen Cabinets.

Steps To Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Clean kitchen cabinets, best way to clean

To get your kitchen cupboards in a clean condition, follow this step-by-step guide—and make cleaning kitchen cabinets easy for you!

1. Start From The Top To Bottom

Empty the highest cabinets first, then the lower ones. This will make it much easier to put everything back where it belongs. The easiest way to clean kitchen cabinets is to clean two or three at a time, but always work your way from top to bottom if your counter space is limited.

2. Empty Everything Out

Check expiration dates on food while you’re at it. To avoid waste, combine any open packets of the same item that are still edible or within their expiration date into a combined one. As you proceed, if anything is dirty or stained, clean it up. Clean dirty or dusty dishes and glasses by washing them through the dishwasher for a few minutes.

  • There is a good chance that you will need to remove and store the contents of your cabinets on counters or somewhere else before cleaning them all at once.
  • When cabinets are emptied, remove shelf paper. Check if it is in good condition, then clean it and keep it. Otherwise, throw it away.
  • Vacuum or wipe the dust from the shelves and drawers.

3. Mix Up A Gentle Cleanser

The goal is to keep your cabinets in good condition by cleaning them, not ruining them. Dish soap in hot water is an excellent and safe formula for cleaning painted and finished wood, metal, laminate, and vinyl cabinets.

White vinegar, which has antibacterial qualities, can give the solution extra cleaning power while clearing away dirt, smudges, and mild grease buildup. To mix the solution, you can use a spray bottle, but apply it to a microfiber cloth or sponge rather than directly to the cabinet’s surface.

Work your way down from top to bottom, starting with the uppers. It would be best to start putting in your shelves and drawers first. Finish by spritzing the cleaning solution on a toothbrush into the corners and scrubbing the area gently if necessary.

The cabinets should be closed after a thorough wipe-down with a clean cloth. The fronts of the boxes’ doors and drawers should be cleaned last, followed by the sides of the boxes.

The cleaning specialist at WC Painting Services recommends squirting plain white vinegar and baking soda over the tops of the wall and tall cabinets, then letting it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the targeted area with a sponge or cloth, then scrape with a firm straight edge, wiping away the gunk with a rag or paper towels. Finally, spray lightly again and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

4. Go At The Grease

You can use baking soda mixed with water to make a mildly abrasive paste to remove yellowish grease buildup. Scrub carefully with a soft-bristled brush after applying to sticky grease and letting it permeate for several minutes. Clean with a damp rag, sponge, or microfiber cloth. Let it dry.

If you’re using a commercial product to eliminate grease, do a spot test first. Magic erasers, which are made of non-toxic melamine foam, should be used with great caution because their sandpaper-like texture can damage varnished wood and glossy paint.

5. Treat The Trim

Grease and dirt love the crevices of your cabinets, so both settle in cabinet trim. The more your cabinets are ornate, the dirtier they can become. You can clean the edges by patiently purging with your cleaning solution and a soft toothbrush or cloth wrapped around your index finger.

Finally, rinse off with a clean cloth moistened with water and let it dry.

6. Tackle The Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets Fronts

Never use any scrubbing brushes and cleaning products with bleach or other harsh chemicals to clean your kitchen cabinets, no matter what kind of finish they are. Also, don’t spray liquids or even water directly on the doors because any streaks or pools of liquid that aren’t dry enough could ruin the paint or wood on the doors.

The best way to clean the fronts of cabinets is to use a clean, damp cloth, working from the top of the door downwards in circular motions. If there is any grease in the doors, a small amount of washing-up liquid sprayed onto the cloth should be all it takes to shift it. Then a second wipes down with fresh water to make sure any soap is removed.

Finally, wipe with a dry, microfiber cloth ensuring the surface is dry and smear-free.

clean kitchen cabinets front with fiber cloth

7. Cleaning Glass And Mirror Doors

Before wiping over any glass panels in your cabinets, spray glass cleaner or a mix of white vinegar and water onto a cloth or paper towel. Don’t spray directly onto the glass as the liquid can seep into the framework joints, causing damage or discoloration—Polish to a shine with a dry microfiber cloth.

8. Wipe Handles, Knobs, Hinges, And Hardware

Don’t forget to clean the hardware with a damp cloth, using a little diluted washing-up liquid when cleaning kitchen cabinets. If there is any stubborn grease or oil, spray a 50/50 water-white vinegar solution on a soft toothbrush to scrub it off, then let it dry, but take care not to damage the cabinet finish.

NOTE: If your cabinets are made of metallic hardware and are unlacquered like, antique brass or copper ­– avoid any cleaning agents containing lemon or other acidic ingredients as they will quickly discolor the finish.

Wrap a dry cloth on your index finger to properly clean the hinges of the metal aspects of cabinets. Likewise, you can clean metal or ceramic hardware (it can accumulate grime and grease in its trims and around) with the help of a toothbrush.

9. Clean The Contents

Before refilling shelves and drawers of your painted wooden cabinets, inspect the dishes, food packages, cookware, etc., to ensure that they aren’t dusty or dirty.

Even if everything looks clean, cleaning your contents with a microfiber cloth can warrant it worthy of returning to your sparkling clean cabinets.

Tips To Clean Wood Cabinets

cleaning-kitchen tips

When you clean your painted kitchen wood cabinets, be mindful of the damage that excessive water and harsh abrasives can do to the wood and paint. Here I have a few different gentle-cleaning methods and tips depending on the amount of dirt and grease buildup you can try. So let’s go straight into it.

1. Light Splatters And Dust

  1. You can use a damp, soft cloth to wipe down your cabinets gently.
  2. Microfiber might work best for it; use another cloth or towel to dry them off.

2. Some Grease And Grime Buildup

  1. For some grease and grime buildup, you can use dish wash soap and warm water to make a slightly sudsy mix for a cleaning solution.
  2. Take a soft cloth and dip it into this solution you made. Do not oversoak your cloth in the solution.
  3. Remove the grease from your cabinets with the circular motions of this cloth.
  4. Once you’ve removed the grease, take another cloth and use nonsoapy water to remove any remaining suds or spots.
  5. Wipe the cabinets dry.

3. Heavier Grease And Stains

  1. Mix 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups warm water, and 1 tablespoon baking soda to make a cleaning solution.
  2. You can also add a small amount of dish soap for extra-strength.
  3. Take a soft cloth, dip it into this mix, and clean your cabinets’ heavier grease and stained areas.
  4. You can also use a sprayable solution of vinegar and water and let it sit on the more severe grease stains for a few minutes before cleaning them off.
  5. Once you have finished it, take another cloth and use water to remove any residue.
  6. Wipe the cabinets dry.

How Often Should I Clean Kitchen Cabinets?

Your kitchen cabinets should be cleaned once a week, depending on how often you use them. However, this amount will vary depending on how frequently they are used. The more oil and difficult-to-remove stains gather on your cabinets, the more regularly you need to wipe them off.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets regularly will also help you avoid the buildup of unwanted bacteria and oil. In addition, cleaning your painted cabinets regularly will help maintain their finish.

Also, read the article: Refinishing your kitchen cabinets

What To Avoid When Cleaning Your Cabinets?

These things you must be avoid while you are cleaning your kitchen cabinets:

  • Avoid abrasive scrubbers or sponges.
  • Don’t use cleaners with bleach, ammonia, or other harsh chemicals while cleaning.
  • Try to avoid soaking your cabinets.
  • Never let soaking hinges or get water inside your cabinets.
  • Don’t leave your kitchen cabinets wet to air dry.

Final Words

When it comes to a home’s most important room, the kitchen steals the show. So, you can’t ignore when your kitchen gets a little grubby, especially your kitchen cabinets. Dark-colored, high gloss kitchens emphasize dust and fingerprints. It’s necessary to learn how to better clean kitchen cabinets.

Kitchens with low maintenance in dimly lit places get dirty so fast. Clean your kitchen cabinets every week once in a while for good hygiene and peace of mind. If your cabinets are free from grease and dirt but still look worse for wear, it may be time to refinish, whether the paint is dull or chipped.

“If you can organise your kitchen, you can organise your life.” – Louis Parrish

For superior cabinet paint refinishing quality, count on your local experts at WC Painting Services. We can help renew your cabinets and other parts of your kitchen and home—both inside and out. To learn more, Call WC Painting Service at (508-657-4104) or schedule an online estimate today.

Thanks for reading. Have a good day!

Read for more information: What to Look for in a Local Painter