Go Green At Home With Environmentally Safe Paint

We hear a lot about the need to save the environment, and most of us try to do our part. We recycle our newspapers, plastic bottles, and cans. Even we try our best not to contribute to global warming. But what about environmentally safe paint? Let’s discuss it too.

Environmentally Safe Paint

When it comes to our homes, some of us have even converted to solar power to help save our dwindling resources, not to mention saving money on our energy bills. As far as the upkeep of our homes, it’s good to know that there is environmentally safe paint available now, which not only looks good and lasts a long time but can have less odor than typical house paints do.

Maybe this is something you haven’t thought about, but that strong odor associated with regular paints can actually be hazardous to your health. That’s because it contains chemicals and solvents that are harmful to you and can cause cancer too.

Even if your exposure to paint is not prolonged enough to cause a life-threatening illness, the effects of shorter exposure can still be unpleasant as well as in some cases cause dizziness and nausea. By using environmentally safe paint, you won’t only breathe easier, you will avoid unnecessarily putting yourself at risk. So what type of environmentally safe paint should you choose?

Types Of Environmentally Safe Paint

Environmentally safe paint, also known as eco-friendly or green paint, comes in various types, designed to reduce harmful impacts on the environment and human health.

Some common types of environmentally safe paint include:

  1. Water-Based Paint: These paints are safer to use and contain fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) since they use water as a carrier rather than hazardous solvents.
  2. Low-VOC Paint: These paints generate fewer hazardous fumes during application and drying because they have much lower amounts of VOCs than conventional paints.
  3. Zero-VOC Paint: As the name implies, there are no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in these paints, making them the best choice for indoor air quality.
  4. Natural Paint: These paints are biodegradable and environmentally beneficial because they are made from renewable resources and natural components including plant oils, resins, and mineral pigments.
  5. Milk Paint: It is a traditional paint kind that is non-toxic and biodegradable since it uses milk protein, lime, and natural colours.
  6. Clay Paint: This paint is free of chemicals and offers a breathable, environmentally friendly finish. It is made from clay, natural colours, and water.
  7. Recycled Paint: Made from leftover post-consumer paint, recycled paint saves resources and lessens trash sent to landfills.
  8. Ceramic Paint: Using cutting-edge technology, ceramic particles provide tough, heat-reflective coatings that save energy.

Using environmentally safe paint not only benefits the planet but also promotes healthier indoor air quality and minimizes exposure to harmful chemicals.

We are used these commonly safe paint options to go with green:

Environmentally Safe Paint

1. Milk Paint

Milk paint works well for floors and walls, and even decks and antique furniture. It gets its name because aside from other organic raw materials, it is manufactured with purified milk protein.  

It can be blended with pigment powders to mix up virtually any color you can imagine, and by adding water you can increase its thickness. What makes it so great for furniture is that it will provide a slightly streaky finish, which will give the piece the look of an antique, even if it is relatively new.

2. Clay Paint

Clay paint is another form of environmentally safe paint for the inside of a home. It works well if you want an adobe look because it comes in a variety of earth tones, as well as orange, white, and blue.

The drawback of clay is it can be somewhat expensive, and can’t be washed if it gets dirty; you will need to touch up the area with more paint.

3. Lime Wash

Lime wash is less expensive and can be used inside or outside the house. There are more and more ways of going “green,” even when it comes to painting your house.

We have used these three safe paints mainly but also use others with the style or according to customers’ demand

PS: Receive your free estimate by filling out this form or texting us at 508-657-4104. The owner of WC Painting Services will contact you directly to make an appointment to discuss your painting project. You will also receive a free color consultation. After the meeting; you will receive a written detailed estimate via your e-mail within 24 hours.